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Reference for Lia

“Lia of Alexandria Consulting Services is an insightful, experienced, inspired and simply wonderful astrologer!  She recently completed my Natal Chart and gave me a consultation that was quite literally out of this world.  Her insight and accuracy was astounding.  She is knowledgable and professional while bringing positive energy and astute interpretations to her readings.  She also gave me a pamphlet which included typed notes of the reading and a visual chart to take home which is quite useful.   I highly recommend Lia for any astrological readings and/or services that you may need.” 

 ~ Molly Brown ~




~ Please note that an accurate birth time is necessary for a cutting edge consultation. A few minutes can make a huge difference, so please confirm your birth certificate information regarding: Date, Time (to the minute) and Place of Birth including Town, City, State and Country.

~ Please double check that all information is correct before booking a consultation.

~ Consultations that go over the allocated consultation times, due to client requests, are billed at $25 USD per each additional 15 minutes. 

~ Any Chart Consultation info can be made into a written packet for an extra charge of $199, please request this at the time of booking your initial consultation!


In-Depth Natal Chart Consultation



In-person or Teams Meeting online

Let’s look at the blueprint of your life which the Heavens created for you at the moment of your birth! We will illuminate the subconscious patterns that guide you, empower you to take charge of your strengths and be aware of your pitfalls so that you can tap into your Natal Chart Promise. Understanding what activates you, where your deep desires lie and what this lifetime’s karmic focus for you is, can bring about new exciting endeavors, deeper connections and clarity in your life.

During the consultation we can dive into some of the following:

Explanations of the planets in signs and houses (areas of life) they are placed in:

  • Inner and Outer Planets

  • The 4 Angles: AC-DC and MC-IC

  • Chiron, The Moon’s Nodes & Part of Fortune

  • Asteroids: Ceres, Juno, Pallas Athena, Vesta

  • Aspects between the planets, asteroids and angles in the chart

  • Illuminating strengths and weaknesses

  • The Natal Chart Promise

Comprehensive Forecasting Consultation 



In-person or Teams Meeting online

Lets decode what is currently happening in your life right now - and the year ahead!

Every year, month, week, day and hour bring different energies to each of us. Time, as we know it, and the planets in the sky are always moving – thus change is the only constant that we have. By knowing how the planets’ energies unfolded in the past gives us a glimpse and understanding of how they might interact in the future. There is a wide range how planetary energies manifest, and thus predicting the future is foolish (in my humble opinion), but empowering oneself to take initiative and use the different energies to make decisions can feel like a superpower to take charge of one’s life! This consultation will give you an idea of what the overall major factors (and energies) are at play for you, which areas of your life are affected as well as find out the right times for pushing ahead or holding off on moving forward, until more beneficial times are able to surface.

Comprehensive Forecasting Consultation includes:

  • Looking through the year ahead with highlights on both opportunities and challenges

  • Chart consultation on planetary transits for the year ahead

  • Consultation on your Solar Arc placements and SA Shadow placements

  • Moon Families including solar and lunar eclipses for the year

  • Recommendations for how to best navigate and use the upcoming energies & transits

Natal & Forecasting for the Year


3  Hours

In-person or Teams Meeting online

In this consultation, we will first go through your natal chart and explain how the planets work for you, which areas of your life are highlighted and how the planetary placements and nuances interact with each other. Then we will look at this current moment in time as well as what the upcoming year holds in store for you. Please read full descriptions on both parts above, under “Natal Chart Consultation” and “Forecasting Consultation”.

During the consultation we can look into some of the following:

Explanations of the planets in signs and houses (areas of life) they are placed in:

  • Inner and Outer Planets

  • The 4 Angles: AC-DC and MC-IC

  • Chiron, The Moon’s Nodes & Part of Fortune

  • Asteroids: Ceres, Juno, Pallas Athena, Vesta

  • Aspects between the planets, asteroids and angles in the chart

  • Illuminating strengths and weaknesses

  • The Natal Chart Promise

  • Looking through the year ahead with highlights on both opportunities and challenges

  • Chart consultation on planetary transits for the year ahead

  • Consultation on your Solar Arc placements and SA Shadow placements

  • Moon Families including solar and lunar eclipses for the year

  • Recommendations for how to best use all the upcoming energies and transits

  • Included is over 6 hrs chart prep prior to the consultation, copies of all charts used and a recording from the consultation.

“What’s up NOW?” Consultation


90 Minutes

In-person or Teams Meeting online

Are you wondering what is happening right now in your life? Would you like to get clarity on what energies are at play and what you should be paying attention to right now? Do you want to know what opportunities might be knocking at your door in the near future? Perhaps you are considering making some big life-changing moves and would like some reassurance if THIS is really the right time to do those changes or WHEN might be an even better time to act.

During this consultation we can dive into specific questions you might have or look at what is happening in certain areas of your life that you are interested in:

  • Relationships & Love

  • Family & Children

  • Career & Work

  • Travel

  • Education

  • Money

We will look at where you are coming from, what is about to emerge from around the corner and how to best navigate the road ahead. Please do think of any specific questions you would like more clarity about and include them at the time of booking your appointment for best results.

Included is a 3 hour prep prior to consultation, copies of all charts used and a recording of the consultation.

Upcoming Big Transits


60 Minutes

In-person or Teams Meeting online.

This consultation doesn’t include the printed chart packet. If you would like the charts mailed home, please add that separately for 25 USD.

Sometimes we just need to know what is going on in the Cosmos, why has suddenly everything shifted for us, and what can we expect in the next upcoming months. This offering gives a good synopsis on what big transits are currently happening, where one is coming from, and what one can expect in the months ahead. 

During this consultation we can dive into specific questions you might have or look at what is happening in certain areas of your life that you are interested in:


  • Relationships & Love

  • Family & Children

  • Career & Work

  • Travel

  • Education

  • Money

Solar Return and Transits for the Year 


75 Minutes

In-person or Teams Meeting online

Every year, around your Birthday, the Sun returns to the exact degree, minute and second of your birth. It happens either the day before, the day after, or on your actual Birthday. Give yourself a gift, as you start your new personal journey, to have a deeper understanding on what you can expect for the year ahead, what challenges and possibilities will be coming your way.


The location of the Sun and Moon, your Rising Sign and the aspects in the Solar Return Chart will paint a picture of where energies will be flowing and what situations you can expect to be dealing with in the year ahead. We will also look at the transits, progressions and solar arcs in your Natal Chart, so you will be equipped and ready for your next adventure around the Sun.

Relationship Consultation for Two


90 minutes

In-person or Teams Meeting online

This reading is for all types of partnerships: marriages, family members, business partners, friends, you name it! Do you wonder why you run into the same dilemmas with your partner? Would you like to know what really excites your partner or why you might have misunderstandings? Find out what the stories are in your relationship and get some tools for dealing with them.  

In this Relationship Consultation we will look at:

  • Strengths and weaknesses in the relationships

  • Potential for longevity

  • What each partner wants, needs and yearns for from the other

  • Communication strengths and challenges

  • Karmic stories and release points for challenging aspects

  • Synastry chart consultation: looking at the two partners’ charts together in alternate views

  • Included is over 6 hrs chart prep prior to the consultation, copies of all charts used and a recording from the consultation.

Relationship Consultation with Write-up


90 minutes

In-person or Teams Meeting online

This reading is for all types of partnerships: marriages, family members, business partners, friends, you name it! Do you wonder why you run into the same dilemmas with your partner? Would you like to know what really excites your partner or why you might have misunderstandings? Find out what the stories are in your relationship, get some tools for dealing with them and receive the whole Synastry Chart Analysis in a written packet for you to easily look back into for future reference.

In this Relationship Consultation we will look at:

·       Strengths and weaknesses in the relationships

·       Potential for longevity

·       What each partner wants, needs and yearns for from the other

·       Communication strengths and challenges

·       Karmic stories and release points for challenging aspects

·       Synastry chart consultation: looking at the two partners’ charts together in alternate views

·       Included is over 6 hrs chart prep prior to the consultation, copies of all charts used, a recording from the consultation and a very useful written packet of the Partnership Synastry Analysis.

Partnership Forecast for the Year Ahead


90 minutes

In-person or Teams Meeting online

Must have had a “Relationship Consultation for Two” done prior with Alexandria Consulting Services.


Once we have  gone over your Relationship Consultation for Two, we can dive into and decode what is currently happening in both your lives right now and the year ahead!

Every year, month, week, day and hour bring different energies to each of us. Time, as we know it, and the planets in the sky are always moving – thus change is the only constant that we have. By knowing how the planets’ energies unfolded in the past gives us a glimpse and understanding of how they might interact in the future. There is a wide range on how planetary energies manifest, and thus predicting the future is foolish (in my humble opinion), but empowering oneself to take initiative and use the different energies to make decisions can feel like a superpower to take charge of one’s life! This consultation will give you an idea of what the overall major factors (and energies) are at play for you and your partner, as well as which areas of both of your lives are affected. This consultation can illuminate the right times for pushing ahead or holding off on moving forward, until more beneficial times are able to surface.

Forecasting Consultation for Partnership includes:

  • Looking through the year ahead for both partners with highlights on both opportunities and challenges that are coming around the corner

  • Chart consultations on planetary Transits for the year ahead

  • Consultation on both of your Solar Arc placements and SA Shadow placements

  • Moon Families including Solar and Lunar Eclipses for the year

  • Recommendations for how to best navigate and use the upcoming energies & transits

  • Included are over 4 hrs of chart preparations prior to the consultation, copies of all charts used and a recording from the consultation

Basic Natal Chart Reading 


60 minutes

In-person or Teams Meeting online

In this basic reading you will learn about the fourfold system in Astrology: your natal chart placements, the Zodiac signs each planet is in, the 12-house system, areas of life they rule, and where your placements fall into those (and what that means!), and the aspects (relationships between placements). This is a great astro beginner's reading to start to comprehend how we each encompass the snapshot of the whole Sky within ourselves, from the moment of our birth, and how these placements continue to live and evolve within us through our lives. 

  • You will learn the meaning and implications of your main astrological natal placements: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

  • You will learn where your placements are within the 12 houses of your natal chart and get information on what areas of your life they rule and have the strongest influences over.

  • You will understand the energies of each of your placements within the 12-sign Zodiac.

  • Lastly, you will begin to comprehend the relationships each placement has with one another (aspects), and how they affect your life, and why you think, act, and make choices the way that you do.

Meet Your Asteroids 


60 minutes

In-person or Teams Meeting online

Deepen your understanding of yourself, through meeting your asteroids and their myths, and how they show up in your astrological natal chart. In this reading we will go over the placements of the asteroids in your chart, the houses, the signs and the aspects they make to one another and the rest of your Astrological Natal Chart placements. 

  • We will dive into your personal stories of wounding and healing with Chiron and Chariklo, and how to find the keys to unlock new ways of deeper healing during this lifetime.

  • You will meet the Divine Feminine Goddesses within yourself through the lens of Ceres, Juno, Pallas Athena and Vesta, and learn what wisdom they can share with you about yourself and your path forward.

  • We will also uncover Lilith, how her rage and strengths show up for you in your life, and how to harness this powerful energy.

Year Ahead Forecast with Progressions 


45 minutes

In-person or Teams Meeting online

Your Astrological Natal Chart is your main map for understanding yourself, and it will always be the first chart to see the big picture of your life. Obviously, you have evolved since birth and you are an older version of yourself, with many more experiences, thoughts and wisdom from your journey. Astrologically your chart also evolves, and this is shown through your Progressed Chart placements. It is calculated that each day after birth corresponds to a year of your life. For example, say you were born with Sun at 20° Aries, so at the tender age of ten, you started a 30-year cycle of Progressed Sun in Taurus, and when you turned 40, you began a new 30-year cycle with Sun in Gemini. These nuances show up in our lives, infusing them with alternate meanings to our stories and deepening our understanding of ourselves. In this consultation we will go over the evolution of all your Astrological Natal Chart placements, and see where they are at right now, and what is happening in the upcoming year. We will also look at the current transits for your Progressed Chart placements, offering yet another lens of insight on what is actually going on in your life.

Solar Arcs & Year Ahead Forecast 


45 minutes

In-person or Teams Meeting online

Solar Arcs are another way of evolving your Astrological Natal Chart. The Solar Arc method calculates that one’s whole Astrological Natal Chart stays continuously in the same formation, but then as a whole, evolves approximately one degree a year. The biggest changes in peoples’ lives happen when Solar Arc placements come into contact with original Natal Chart placements. Each connection has a year-long effect on the person, infusing the meaning of that particular connection to everyday life. There are also Shadow Solar Arc placements, which mimic situations one has gone through earlier in life, when the actual transits happened, and which can truly guide and help clarify what is going on now or coming up in the near future. In this consultation we will go over the current Solar Arc placements, year ahead placements, Shadow Solar Arcs now and coming up, and current transits to the natal chart, to give a whole rounded picture of the year ahead.

Follow-up Consultation

$25 per each 15 mins

In-person or Teams Meeting online

A 15-minute follow-up consultation can be arranged for questions and clarifications once client has listened to the recording of the original consultation. These must be arranged within 30 days of the initial consultation for an added $25 USD per 15 minutes.

Gift Certificate

$140 - $560

45 mins - 90 mins

In-person or Teams Meeting online

Give the gift of empowerment! Book your loved one, friend or family member an Alexandria Consulting Services astrology consultation to help them gain clarity of what the Cosmos has in store for them, what challenges and what opportunities they have coming, and how to best use their energy and focus to maximize the magic of our Solar System in their everyday lives.


Gift Certificates range from $140 - $560, just type in which consultation you would like to purchase, and make a payment of the needed amount. The gift certificate holder can book a consultation once they have their birth info confirmed and send it to 

Testimonial for Lia

“Lia has a gift, when she is looking into your chart it is as if she is looking into your soul’s needs and questions through your eyes. The chart unfolds for her and she takes it into tangible segments and relational patterns that help you take advantage of the opportunities as well as navigate any upcoming obstacles with grace. She helps you see the struggles as blessings and learning for the future and really have compassion for yourself and your loved ones. It’s like receiving a really great hug from a long lost friend who knows you, accepts you and assures you that it is all truly going to be OK. Such a blessing and gift to receive her work.”


 ~ V.L. ~

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