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Astrology Forecast for October 2021

Writer's picture: Lia SabbatiniLia Sabbatini

Updated: Jan 16, 2022

Hello Astrology Friends!

Here we are, in full swing of Libra season, and in the midst of a sextuple retrograde time of revisiting and re-evaluating our relationships (Libra), foundations (Saturn), visions (Jupiter), thoughts and ideas (Mercury) and the ability to transform (Pluto). Embracing the retrogrades feels important, as it gives us the necessary time to pause and reconfigure what makes sense in our lives. If we just kept pushing forward, without taking moments to re-align ourselves, we would probably all spin right off this flying rock in space! All of these retrograde subjects are prominent in this month of October as four of the retrograde planets will station direct emphasizing their meanings at each given point. We also have Uranus in Taurus (Changes in Values) and Neptune in Pisces (The Confusion of the Collective / Grand Awakening) currently in retrograde, but as they will not be stationing direct for a while, we will let them just be for now.

This time I’m giving a whole month ahead forecast, instead of just focusing on the Moon cycles, so sit tight and get your calendars out!

A big part of this beginning of October’s signature is the Sun in Libra in opposition to Chiron in Aries – and later in the month the Mercury Station Direct opposite Chiron. Right now, the sun is shining an illuminating light for us to see who we really are as healers walking this planet, as well as what our wounds deep inside us truly are. This can definitely be both, very painful, and an incredibly healing time.

The Sun opposition to Chiron continues through the October 6th New Moon, holding that signification for us to ruminate upon for the next cycle ahead.

Things to consider with the Sun opposition Chiron are:

- Who are you as a healer? You might want to look at your natal chart for clues on where your natal Chiron is placed, which house and what aspects it makes! Take some time to consider what gifts you bring to the world. We all have them, but we aren’t always aware of what they are!

- How can you heal yourself and your relationships? What is the crux of the problem/s? Once you acknowledge situations, and put them into words, you can also begin to find the answers for what needs to happen next.

- Do you know what the deep wounds are that you carry within yourself – that often get reflected back in our relationships with our significant partners in our lives?

Once one starts processing the hurtful experiences in our lives, the ones that make us who we are now, the key to true healing is available.

New Moon in Libra on October 6th, at 4:05 am P.S.T.

Here begins a new cycle of acknowledging what our relationships really are about. Aries speaks of oneself, while Libra seeks to find balance between ourselves and our partners. This can be any relationship one has, not just a life partner, defining how we relate one-on-one with our significant others in our lives.

Libra seeks justice, fairness and equality, so this is a great time to focus on those aspects in your relationships. The Libra New Moon is in full conjunction with Mars, implying there is opportunity to act tactfully to create more justness in our lives.

October 7th Pluto stations direct at 24.19 Capricorn: Authoritarian Powers-that-be will begin to move forward full steam ahead… and Sun conjunct Mars signifies a re-evaluation of our Actions and it pushes Moving forward.

October 11th Saturn stations direct at 6.53 Aquarius: Expect feeling some restrictions again on friendships, events and community gatherings. There will also be a shift of consciousness in our values, and rebelling against the authorities, with Saturn slowly starting to square Uranus again, which culminates on December 24th 2021.

October 18th Jupiter stations direct at 22.20 Aquarius: Thankfully Jupiter will bring some positive expansions after a week of Saturn’s Iron Fist being brought down on us. Jupiter will trine the Sun and Mars at that time, so it is possible to move forward! Venus will also be in trine to Chiron so this is a beautiful time of healing within our relationships!

October 19th Mercury stations direct at 10.12 Libra: Mercury opposes Chiron in Aries – and stimulates the power between healing and wounding words, thoughts and ideas. Simultaneously Mercury will sextile Venus in Sagittarius and trine Saturn in Aquarius. There are opportunities present to bring structure, justice and optimism to our relationships, as well as the legal system. Mercury will also trine Black Moon Lilith in Gemini thus bringing power and voice to the oppressed and the people who feel they have been outcasted and are not being treated equal.

October 20th Full Moon in Libra: The moon has a square to Pluto in Capricorn and an opposition to Mars in Libra, illuminating power struggles and intensity. This is a harsher full moon, for sure, but through adversities we will continue to grow, and get rid of what we no longer need, and be able to activate ourselves to make changes that are necessary.

October 22nd Mars in Libra exact square Pluto in Capricorn: This aspect implies possible legal actions initiated with the all mighty authoritarian powers that are bulldozing their way to stay in power.

October 23rd the Sun will move into the deep secretive realm of Scorpio: As the veil continues to thin between the world of the living and the dead, the presence of all our ancestors will be more prevalent for the month ahead. This is a natural time of year to head inwards, dive into the psychology of our minds and let go of what no longer serves us.

October 26th Venus in Sagittarius will square Neptune in Pisces: A pleasant few days ensues to appreciate relationships, philosophy, art, music and spirituality. There is also the possibility of overspending and the pull to escape reality – not such a bad thing every once in a while!

October 30th the Sun in Scorpio will square Saturn in Aquarius: There is a more restrictive time of responsibilities again.

October 31st Mercury in Libra will trine Jupiter in Aquarius: After the harshness of the Saturnian time leading up to here, communication, ideas and thoughts will be in harmony with our visions within our communities again. Thus an easier-going Halloween can, also, be expected.

Wishing you all a transformative and healing October!


Lia Sabbatini

Alexandria Consulting Services

Astrologer & Business Consultant



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