Are you ready to find balance?
Sunday March 28th we have a Libra Full Moon at the apex of a Grand Kite, opposite the Sun which is conjunct Venus & Chiron in Aries! This Full Moon here is asking us to acknowledge our feelings of Equality and Justice in our Relationships, while also being aware of the Wounds and Healing that we carry within ourselves, especially in regard to our own Self-worth, Friendships and Love.

A key figure in this formation is Chiron, the Wounded Healer, who in Aries speaks of a wound in just being oneself. We all have a wound (or wounds) in different places - and if you know your own natal Chiron placement, it will give you the clues of what that wound is for you. The good news is, the wound can also bring us healing – as well as healing to others – when we acknowledge it and consciously work towards BEING the Healer, versus the Wounded. THIS is exactly why Astrology is so amazing, because through consciousness and knowledge we have the opportunity to change our old stories and become who we really want (and are meant) to become.
The Sun-Chiron-Venus will show-up differently for each of us: perhaps revealing a Wound or Healing within a Relationship, or something to do with an Injustice you or your Partner / Friend has been dealing with, or maybe it is here to illuminate an Artistic Endeavor, Social event or even a Literary project that is now seeing some light!
The Full Moon is a time of revealing. You can look back to two weeks ago, during the Pisces New Moon for clues, or from the Libra New Moon back in October 22nd of 2020, or as I like to investigate; looking back to the Libra New Moon Family which started 18 months ago (September 26th 2019), to see when the seed was planted for what is now prevailing.
This Libra Moon is in a harmonious trine with Saturn in Aquarius which offers us some innovative and unique backbone to create longer lasting structures of Equality within our Relationships and Community. The Moon here is also in a trine to the Mars - North Node conjunction in Gemini, gifting us the ability to make necessary moves and connections so that relationships can find the needed Balance and Harmony we are striving for.
There is also the Unexpected Uranus Rebel quincunxing the Full Moon here so be prepared for some possible Irritability or Out-of-the-blue situations to arise during this time. Sometimes that agitation is exactly what we need to shake the status quo and see an alternate view to said situations.
Have some fun, get out there and connect with your friends, be the Uranus and shake things up yourself, so you take charge of how you want to manifest your Full Moon this weekend! For booking an Astro session with me, please visit www.AlexandriaConsultingServices.com, appointments available starting in April.
With Astro Blessings,
Lia Sabbatini
Alexandria Consulting Services
Astrologer & Business Consultant
P.S. BIG THANK YOU to http://littleanimalsinacircle.com/libra_josephine%20wallL.jpg for the gorgeous Libra image!