Full Moon in Cancer on Tuesday December 29th, 2020
The Full Moon in Cancer offers us a culmination and an illumination on the Cancerian things in our lives: Home and Family dynamics, Ancestral Roots and Deep Diving into our Emotional Realms.

The Sun in Capricorn is shining a light and asking us to look at how we have constructed all these Cancerian areas in our lives. Nine months of a pandemic, staying at home with family through the thick and thins of 2020, has surely brought some new dynamics to what each person’s home and family life entails. Right now, during these last days of 2020, we get to acknowledge, celebrate, or perhaps re-calibrate what our lives at home truly are – and what feelings are coming up for each of us in this time and place we are in. It is good to stop and notice what is working and what is not. The Sun in Capricorn can help us create a plan with goals on how we want to move forward after this illumination – especially while we make plans for the New Year coming up around the corner.
Cancer Full Moon chart for December 29th 2020:

This Full Moon is in conjunction with Mercury in Capricorn, so our Minds, Thoughts and Communication will all be in alignment on how to push ahead with our Goals and Responsibilities both in our Home lives and our Careers (Sun in Capricorn). Mercury conjunct the Sun and opposing the Moon in Cancer here can offer us the ability to plan and figure out action steps for the next phase of our journey honoring our emotional landscapes, our instincts with our families, as well as our lives within our professions. Take note of what is illuminating to you at this time!
The Cancer Moon will also trine Eros in Scorpio and sextile Uranus in Taurus simultaneously bringing some unexpected good feelings and flow – if you let it! Uranus is also currently conjunct Black Moon Lilith which can either turn into raging energies for one wanting to break free of any submission, but also it offers the opportunity for freedom for each of us to push for what we want for ourselves.
Of course, not everything is rose petals and sunshine either: we do also have this Full Moon in a square to Chiron (the Wounded Healer). Chiron in Aries reminds us to think of OURSELVES in the midst of us caring for our families, homes, careers and future plans. Chiron in Aries can point to the wounding as well as the healing that can happen when we acknowledge who we are and what we want as individuals. Ironically, Venus (which points to what we want and are attracted to) in Sagittarius is in a square to Neptune which can literally mean we don’t know what we want at this time!!
Neptune dissolves and creates a fog around situations and in this case, He is causing some confusion to our current wants and needs. No worries though, as Venus moves quickly, by the end of the week things will already be much clearer.
Well my dear Astrology friends, we are at the end of 2020, thank Goddess!! Next year also has a lot of wild energies coming to help us move into the new directions we all need to go. It will be explosive, and definitely different than what 2020 has been, so get ready for the ride and I’ll see you on the other side!
If interested in a 2021 year ahead forecast report, send me an email to: lia@alexandriaconsultingservices.com and I will get you details on how to make that happen. Happy joyous last days of 2020!
Lia Sabbatini
Alexandria Consulting Services
Founder, Astrologer & Business Consultant