Hello Astrology Friends,

Here we are, at a culmination of another cycle: the Sagittarius Full Moon happening June 14th 2022, illuminating big adventures, educational endeavors, political choices and long distance travel! Meanwhile, the Sun in Gemini has us focusing on connecting with others, networking and sharing information, almost frantically, from one person to another.
This is our first Full Moon in Sagittarius we have had, since 2019, that the malicious South Node hasn’t been tainting the generally optimistic outlook through the Sagittarian centaur’s lens of optimism and expansion. Can you feel the difference from 2020 and 2021, as Schools and Travel have opened up and we all get to attend graduation parties and travel across seas again, without many restrictions?
The chart for the Full Moon, June 14th 2022, in San Francisco, CA, 4.51 A.M., P.S.T.

One of the big things to note at this Full Moon, is that the Full Moon and Sun are squaring Neptune in Pisces. Neptune, the higher octave of Venus, could bring enlightenment to situations, but also cause confusion and blur the lines of reality. Neptune in this placement signals that even though we are at a culmination, and things seem to be a certain way, there is a real chance we are being deceived and situations are not quite what they seem. There are challenges coming from the Piscean realms bringing some disorientation and confusion. But, if we are able to process the challenges that arise, there is the opportunity for Empathy, Compassion and Healing to occur for the Collective. Would it be too much to ask for a Cease Fire and Peace in our World? Or that the government steps away from limiting women’s rights to their own bodies and their medical choices?!
Saturn in Aquarius is in a very helpful sextile to the Sagittarius Full Moon and in a trine to the Gemini Sun, offering us the ability to build solid foundations within our communities, organizations, and friendships. Saturn balances some of the Neptunian fog, so as we altruistically focus on healing and praying for Peace, Saturn could teach us how to build stronger foundations perhaps in more original and eccentric ways then ever before!
We are also experiencing a Venus and Uranus conjunction right now, in Taurus, which brings about unexpected situations, drastic changes in our finances and within our relationships, especially with other women.
At this very same time, Mars and Chiron are together at 15 degrees Aries, pushing us to acknowledge the wounds we carry within ourselves, face them, and courageously push through them to seek the healing we need within ourselves. Nobody else can do this for us – we have to be the warriors ourselves and figure out what we need to feel complete and whole.
Mercury, still finishing its shadow retrograde period, finally moved into Gemini today having communication shift to become quicker, wittier and more curious!
Enjoy the insights from this Full Moon and brace yourselves for the challenges that help each of us grow as individuals!
With Love, Light and Full Moon Blessings,
Lia Sabbatini
Alexandria Consulting Services
Astrologer & Business Consultant