Hello Astrology Friends,
We are about to embark on an intense astrological weather ride, with the upcoming Venus Retrograde, Mercury Retrograde, and Eclipse Season - all starting in March. Talk about March Madness!
First we do have the opportunity to set our intentions with the New Moon in Pisces on February 27th.
Pisces New Moon, February 27th, 2025, 4:44 pm PST, San Francisco, CA, PST

Pisces rules our imaginations, our subconscious selves, and our dreams. Art, music, fantasy, as well as escapism, retreat and saviorism all fall under the Pisces realm. Pisceans have healing capabilities, and may even be healers, when not stuck in old stories of victimization. There is a magic to Pisces, opening portals into the imagination, while awakening deep compassion and empathy. As a mutable water sign, Pisces flows freely, and like its symbol of the two fish swimming in two separate directions, it implies the mutability and changeability the sign inherently holds within its core.
The Pisces season is the last quiet before the Astrological cycle begins again with Aries during the Spring Equinox. It is a time for going inward, a time of reflection, and gathering our resources and resting before the big push of spring.
For the Pisces New Moon it is great to give yourself the opportunity of recharging your batteries and dive into creative endeavors: drawing, painting, making art and music, or plainly retreating to a place of meditation, yoga and breathwork. This is a great time to tap into possibly neglected spiritual needs, and bring oneself back in alignment, with necessary care for the Mind, Body and Soul.
The New Moon is in a square to Jupiter in Gemini, so enthusiasm may run strong during this time, with possible overload of information coming through the ethers. Breathwork and mindfulness exercises can help with the extra stimulation.
As we are coming to an end with the Mars Retrograde, we can also reflect on what these past months have meant for each of us. Mars began its retrograde December 7th, 2024 at 10° Leo and stopped at 17 degrees Cancer mid February. Mars will station directly (having enormous influence and power at this particular degree) on March 2nd, slowly heading back towards Leo, and entering it again on April 18th, 2025.
Mars is all about our assertion, actions and how we fight, of course. The retrograde has been a time of revisiting those themes, and in Cancer revisiting our ancestral stories, deep emotions, and our home life. Of course everyone will have Cancer in a different area of their chart, so implications for each person can be vast, while still going hand-in-hand with the cancerian topics mentioned above.
Mars in Cancer stirs up the protective qualities of caring for the home, family, and homeland. As our democracy continues to fall into oblivion, here in the US, this is the perfect time to think about what each of us can do, to help our families, and communities so we can truly protect one another. I highly recommend moving towards action and using the energies available to do the much needed good for our homeland and its people at this time.
March 1st, 2025, Venus will go retrograde at 10° Aries, and backtrack all the way to 26° Pisces April 12th, 2025. For the 40 days that Venus retrogrades, topics of relationships, money and values will come up. Often ex partners may show up, old friends can reach out, and there is an opportunity to dive into what those relationships were about, and perhaps get clarity why they might’ve ended, or rekindle them for the future.
Aries rules ‘the head’, and though Venus rules beauty in every sign, our conceptions of beauty, and what we are attracted to will often have some nuanced shifts or introspection leading to change during the Venus Retrograde. If possible, do not have any facial surgeries or wild tattoos or piercings during the Venus retrograde, as you may feel very differently about them once Venus goes direct in April!
Aries is actionary, impulsive and entrepreneurial, so once again, there might be a drive to jump into things head-on, but be warned that you may feel different about your choices after mid April. Venus also retrogrades in Pisces, so returning and revisiting your Spiritual practice is a great way to use this energy, connecting to those spiritual values and need for retreat.
Virgo Full Moon Eclipse, March 13th, 2025, 11:55 P.M., PST, San Francisco, CA, USA

The Full Moon on March 13-14, 2025, will be a Lunar Eclipse at 23° Virgo, signaling endings in the realms of health, service and everyday systems. Eclipses are heightened full moons, where the Earth’s shadow, from the Sun, crosses in front of the Moon, and the Moon changes its appearance. This change of light gives us a different view-point which is connected to our daily lives, emotions and being. The moon relates to our body and Virgo to our health, so please pay extra attention to any signals that the body shares with us during this time and soon after.
The Lunar Eclipse will be in opposition to Saturn in Pisces, potentially signifying that changes coming through with the Eclipse will have longevity as well as hard work ahead. Saturn rules authorities, so they will most likely play a part in each of our Eclipse stories: from parents to bosses, and government officials to the police and White House. Granted, Saturn is moving towards Aries, and currently in the mutable waters of Pisces, does not have the same strength and staying power as Saturn, say in an Earth sign.
The Lunar Eclipse will be in a trine to Uranus in Taurus, so we definitely can expect surprises coming up in relation to both technology and our monetary systems. Uranus, the Rebel, may also awaken the revolutionaries at heart. A change in the status quo sounds about right at this time!
Mars is also in a sextile from 18° Cancer to the Lunar Eclipse, so once again the Martian forces of protection and assertion of will shall be signatured in this Virgo Lunar Eclipse. Neptune is also opposite the Lunar Eclipse bringing in confusion, with smoke and mirrors. Things may not be as they seem, so tread with caution.
Last, but not least, Mercury will enter its Shadow Retrograde on March 1st, and have its true retro March 15th - April 7th, 2025, between 9° Aries and 26° Pisces. It is advisable to get plans arranged, contracts signed, and all tech purchases done, as much as possible, before the actual retrograde, March 15th.
There is definitely a lot happening in this next month, between 10° Aries and 26° Pisces, so pay attention to your own charts to see where that lands for you, and what planets or important points you might have along those degrees, and you can understand more on how these will all play out for yourself.
I have just added new offerings on my website for shorter chart readings, so if you are interested in learning about your own natal chart, and what is in store for you, please visit www.AlexandriaConsultingServices.com to see the offerings and send me a message from there to get booking info.
Wishing you all an exciting month ahead!
Lia Sabbatini
Astrologer / Owner
Alexandria Consulting Services
P.S. Thank you Pisces Koi by Velveteeniris on DeviantArt for the beautiful Pisces artwork!