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Sagittarius New Moon

Writer's picture: Lia SabbatiniLia Sabbatini

Have you all noticed the energy building since Pluto moved into Aquarius on November 20th, 2024? Immediately, the Pluto opposition to Mars in Leo was re-activated, with flavors of intensity. If you have any planets or important angels at the first five degrees of air and fire signs, the Mars-Pluto is awakening those areas up to smell the coffee! And of course, fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio & Aquarius), especially within that first five degrees, are now getting activated to a new Law and Order taking on the helm. Not easy times ahead.


Sag New Moon, November 30th, 2024, 10:21 P.M., P.S.T, San Francisco, CA, USA

Luckily, the New Moon, at 9°32’ Sagittarius offers another facet for opening our minds to what is possible. A New Moon signals beginnings and Sagittarius our ability to expand our horizons. Sagittarius specifically rules over travel, philosophy, spirituality, and higher education. This is a fantastic time to contemplate these things in our lives, and begin planting seeds, so we can watch the seedlings show next steps by the first quarter phase of this Sagittarius Moon Family cycle, on August 31st, 2025.


May 31st, 2026, we will have the full moon in Sagittarius, illuminating the full 18-month path it took to get there, and February 28th, 2027 will be in the Last Quarter Phase of this particular Moon Family, where we decide what to keep from this cycle, and what we are ready to let go of. I highly recommend Dietrich Pessin’s Lunar Shadows III, “The Predictive Power of Moon Phases and Eclipses” to follow Moon Families, especially when new moons touch your own natal placements. It is fascinating to go back in Time and see how the prior Lunar cycles at a certain degree have played out for each of us.


This Sagittarius New Moon makes a Grand Fire Trine to Mars in Leo and the North Node in Aries. The possibility for following your karmic path is open, and Pluto’s opposition to Mars, can fuel us up to assert ourselves, our wills and our ways. There is passion and enthusiasm in the air!


Of course, we are about to begin the actual Mars Retrograde which happens December 7th, 2024 through February 24th, 2025. Truly any actions we are now taking, or have been taking since October 5th, 2024, when we began the Mars Retrograde Shadow, will most likely have a re-do as Mars returns to its original placement at 17° Cancer next February. Then, we get to do it all over again (smile)!


We are currently also in a Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius, which started November 26th and will go till December 15th, 2024. Thus, take everything with a grain of salt as you plan things currently, especially with Mercury Retrograde opposing Jupiter in Gemini, the ruler of this Sagittarius New Moon. The big plans that were made will probably change or get cancelled, and mail sent across the World may go to the wrong address, or get misplaced, but life goes on, so don’t worry - and be happy!


Please take care of your health, especially your upper-respitory systems, as Jupiter which is also retrograde travels in Gemini, that rules our lungs, opposes Mercury, and is in a square to Saturn in Pisces. Eat all the vitamin C you can, drink that nettle tea, and get all the needed rest you can - you will need it.

Sending much love, luck and new opportunities for you all for this New Moon time!



Lia Sabbatini

Owner / Astrologer

Alexandria Consulting Services









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