We are coming up on one of the most auspicious New Moons of this year!
Saturday March 13th, 2021, we have a New Moon, conjunct Venus and Neptune, at 23.03 degrees Pisces.
Pisces rules Imagination, Music, Art, our Spiritual and Subconscious Selves. Pisces, the last sign of the Zodiac, is the Intuitive Healer, and yes, sometimes also the Elusive, Self-doubting Victim who wants to Escape Reality.
It is important to know the array of manifestations each sign (and planet) offers and rules, as we all have every one of the Zodiacal signs (planets and asteroids) somewhere in our charts influencing a certain part of our lives. It does come down to understanding your own Natal Astrological Chart to be able to pinpoint exactly where, for example this upcoming Pisces New Moon, will be affecting you and your life for the next few years.
There is a positive undercurrent with this specific Pisces New Moon, as the Sun and Moon together will be in conjunction with both Venus (The Goddess of Love) and Neptune (The God of the Oceans). Venus here brings her benefic gifts and Neptune offers us boundlessness within the realms of Imagination, Compassion and Spiritual Enlightening.
The energy of Venus and Neptune in Pisces brings to my mind Yemaya, the true Goddess of the Oceans, from the Yoruba in Nigeria. Yemaya was first an Orisha, a nature spirit who reflected important aspects of God to the Ife religion. When her people were taken and put onto the slave ships, Yemaya went with them and became the Goddess of the Ocean.

Often depicted as a mermaid, or simply a beautiful woman standing amidst the waves, Yemaya is a goddess of comfort and inspiration. When it comes to caring for others, her impulses are sincere and comforting. And she has a love for children that is unequalled.
Yemaya reminds us that even the worst catastrophes can be endured and that, with her help, we can learn to negotiate the ebbs and flows of change in our lives with her wisdom, courage, and grace. https://www.goddessgift.com/goddess-info/meet-the-goddesses/yemaya/yemaya-unabridged/
Through this upcoming New Moon, we are about to meet Yemaya, and also begin a new cycle within our Spiritual Selves. If you take some time to believe that ‘anything is possible’, then what would you imagine? Really! This right now is the time to be Quiet, remember your Dreams, go be in Yemaya’s Ocean or sit by a stream, lake, or even take a bath - and let your Imagination take you on a ride. THIS is the time to do that Vision Board you perhaps didn’t get to at the beginning of this year. THIS is the time to Go Inside, Meditate and Visualize what you want your both personal and collective World to be.
As Astrology always confirms itself multiple times over, I feel compelled to tell you also about the Pluto sextile this New Moon which feels important. This is just another indication of how Positive Transformation is possible when we plant our seeds at the right time into fertile ground. We can be the positive change and negotiate the ebbs and flows just like Yemaya with Wisdom, Courage and Grace!
Wishing you all a Healing New Moon filled with Inspiration and Fantastic Dreams,
Yours Truly,
Lia Sabbatini
Alexandria Consulting Services
Astrologer & Business Consultant
BIG THANK YOU to https://orderwhitemoon.org/goddess/yemaya-of-the-sea/index.html and https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f4/d8/ee/f4d8ee93672c3f04993ad3e248d86edb.jpg for the gorgeous Yemaha images and https://www.goddessgift.com/goddess-info/meet-the-goddesses/yemaya/yemaya-unabridged/ for information on Yemaya origin myth.