Hello Astrology Friends,

Here we are, in the height of Cancer season, caring for our homes, families and hopefully finding time to nurture ourselves as well. We need the nurturing now, more than ever before.
Wednesday July 13th, 2022, we have a Full Moon in Capricorn, at 21.21 degrees, conjunct Pluto, and opposite Persephone and Ceres.
Full Moon Chart for 11:37 A.M., P.S.T., San Francisco, CA

The Capricorn Full Moon highlights what our ambitions, previously built foundations, and career paths have manifested for us in the world we live in. This is a time to stop and take note of what we have created, what is working, and what might need to be re-constructed for the journey ahead.
Pluto brings in intensity to this dynamic, perhaps revealing some hidden secrets we thought were long ago buried in the backyard!
Capricorn also rules Government and Authority Figures, and this full moon spotlights the deep dark underbelly (Pluto) of the Authorities (read: Supreme Court!).
Ironically, the Asteroid Persephone, the Daughter of Demeter/ Ceres, is also illuminated. The Asteroid Ceres is here in opposition to Pluto (aka Hades) who forcefully abducted, raped and took Persephone to the Underworld to be his Queen. Yeah. The Planets show us quite literally exactly what is going on down here on Planet Earth.
As Above, So Below.
How to move through this? What is the path forward? The Uranus and Nodal Axis conjunction, that are in a trine to the Moon, can be the start of the necessary Revolution!
Our North Node has been travelling in Taurus, backwards as it does, while Uranus the great Awakener has been closely inching toward the North Node. They will come together August 1st, 2022, to join with Mars, the “God of War” at 18 degrees Taurus.
The North Node speaks of our Karmic Future, and in Taurus, there is a collective necessity to be looking at our Values and aligning with what our senses tell us we need, while connecting with Mother Earth. The South Node in Scorpio is bringing about the need to end Secrets, Dictatorships and Powerplays that have been in command.
Uranus the Rebel and Mars are coming to really shake everything up. You can expect the unexpected, volatility, combustion, accidents. Please make a note for yourself to be in a safe place August 1-3rd, 2022, as these energies with the Nodal Axis are nothing to mess round with. Maybe it is an Earthquake, in the sign of Taurus, maybe it is the Revolution we need to change the order of how things have been going. Who knows? Let’s hope for the latter.
The Capricorn Full Moon also has helpful sextiles from Juno and Neptune in Pisces.
Asteroid Juno in Pisces tells us how important it is right now to relate to one another through Art, Music, Imagination, Spirituality, Compassion and Stepping up for the Collective: The Underdogs of our World aka Women, Black, Brown, Indigenous, Trans, - all our People of our World!
Neptune offers us the Transcendental Awareness and Imagination to Dream a better World into existence.
The ruler of the Capricorn Moon, Saturn, is currently retrograding at 24 degrees Aquarius, and having a beautiful trine from Venus in Gemini. Saturn also rules Authorities, and it could perhaps re-structure the foundations built in the last months, while travelling backwards in the Zodiac...
October 23rd, 2022, right before our next powerful Scorpio New Moon Eclipse happening October 25th, Saturn will be at 18 degrees Aquarius stationing direct (starting to move forward again and intensifying) right at that same magical 18 degrees, in a square to the Mars-Uranus-North Node conjunction that will happen August 1st – 3rd, 2022! In other words, whatever happens beginning of August will have a more concreate follow-up at end of October - and at latest during the Election Day, November 8th, Full Moon Eclipse in Taurus which is conjunct Uranus... More on that later in the fall!
Could Venus’ rays help Saturn to see the importance of Independence of our Women and All Peoples of the World? I guess Neptune would say: “it doesn’t hurt to pray!”
We need a lot more than just prayers now folks! Saturn (in Aquarius retrograding) is giving us Time to re-structure the foundations in our communities. We all need to get to work and figure out what we can do to fix the issues at hand. Step up, take on the responsibilities and help make change happen!
As always, there is so much more to write about, but I’ll leave you with that for now. Wishing you all a safe time ahead and Viva la Revolution!
Lia Sabbatini
Alexandria Consulting Services
Astrologer & Business Consultant
P.S. Big THANK YOU to https://athensandbeyond.com/hades-and-persephone-story/ for the Persephone’s Abduction image and image Credits: Painter unknown (Life time: 18th century), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons